Update from National Sales Manager, Brian Turtle
Hello friends. In case I haven’t already told you this about me, I’m the father of two amazing girls; Lyla and Sophie. They are my pride and joy, and they make every moment precious. Any parent knows what I’m talking about; whether you raise children, pets, or a small business!
This time of year, the “Proud Papa” side of me here at Endless Games is also brimming with pride and joy over the new “babies” we’ll be releasing this summer!
Bringing a product to market is truly a labor of love. We see hundreds of new ideas each year and try to narrow the field down to the 4 or 5 we feel most comfortable with. Obviously, the game has to be fun, but I usually think EVERYTHING is fun (you should see me attempting to do my taxes sometime! What a hoot); so there are some other criteria that help us try to find that special sauce. There’s a mixture of variables but one of the hardest-to-explain is that gut-feeling connection we have to a given product.
Once we get the warm fuzzies, we develop the game over several months or even years in some cases. We put it together and pull it apart from all angles. We basically try to break the thing… expose any weaknesses, so we can fix it or know where reinforcements may be needed. Then there’s a whole series of graphic design decisions and edits and proofs and all of the more aesthetic stuff.
And THEN… once the concept and the price and the package size and the hardware and software and art have all been finalized, the game goes into production, and you start to really feel the excitement of a new baby on the way. A good factory will even give you an estimated Due Date so you can go about preparing the Nursery (or Warehouse in this case!).
And that, folks, is where I am at and how I’m feeling today as I write this. Our new babies are being “born” so-to-speak, and I can hardly wait to hold them and show them off to the world! So later this summer, if I happen to bump into you and am eager to show you one of my newborns, be it Hip Town, or The Obstacle Course in a Box, or Popcorn Party, or Horror Trivia Part 2, please bear with me. I’m a Proud Papa, always excited to share my pride and joy!
Thanks for reading, and please check out www.endlessgames.com and on our social media pages for more on what’s new and newsworthy from your friends at Endless Games.
Playfully yours, Brian